Amazon Delivers a Pile of Cash, but No Fireworks - News Trends

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Thursday, 26 July 2018

Amazon Delivers a Pile of Cash, but No Fireworks


“In spite of the company’s strategy to open new centers in countries that are ‘quieter’ from the point of view of trade unionism, the tough working conditions it enforces are driving more and more workers to rebel against them,” the strikers said.

Amazon responded with a statement saying it was “a fair and responsible employer” that was offering Europeans “good jobs with highly competitive pay, full benefits, and innovative training programs.”

In its announcement about its earnings, Amazon brought up the things it cares most about: its membership club Prime; its market-leading cloud division, Amazon Web Services; and Alexa, the voice technology that powers the Echo devices people use in their homes.

While Amazon gives few numbers on Alexa and Echo, the research firm eMarketer says 41 million people in the United States will use an Echo this year, up 31 percent over last year. Echo has about twice the market share of its closest competitor, Google Home.

Amazon is so dominant in e-commerce that it barely needed to mention it in the earnings announcement. It controls exactly half of the online market in the United States. Its next competitors, including eBay and Walmart, own market shares mired in the single digits. Ebay, which bested Amazon in auctions long ago, has been struggling. It said it would lay off hundreds of employees this month.

For years, Amazon has been on a hiring binge — world domination needs many hands. But in the second quarter, it slowed a bit, increasing only 12,000 from the first quarter. In 2017, employment grew 31,000 between the first and second quarters.

Daniel Ives, head of technology research for GBH Insights, reaffirmed Thursday his $2,000 target for Amazon’s shares, a price that would make it a trillion-dollar company.

“After the Facebook debacle last night,” Mr. Ives wrote in a research note, “we believe the Street will be somewhat relieved to see Amazon deliver another strong quarter.”


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